400 | PROCESSING_FAILURE | Processing failed. |
400 | ERROR_PARAMETERS | Invalid parameters. |
400 | MISSING_PARAMETERS | Missing parameters. |
400 | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid parameter. |
400 | PARAMETERS_CANNOT_EMPTY | Parameters cannot be empty. |
400 | ERROR_MISSING_LIMIT_PARAMETER | Missing Limit parameter. |
400 | ERROR_MISSING_TASKS_PARAMETER | Missing Tasks parameter. |
400 | ERROR_MISSING_ASSURE_DIRECTION_PARAMETER | Missing AssureDirection parameter. |
400 | ERROR_MISSING_MIN_HEIGHT_PARAMETER | Missing MinHeight parameter. |
400 | ERROR_INVALID_SIDE_PARAMETER | Invalid value for Side parameter. |
400 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_FILES | Number of files exceeds the limit. |
400 | ERROR_FACE_TRACE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Face or Trace limit exceeded. |
400 | ERROR_INVALID_URL | Invalid URL. |
400 | ERROR_DATABASE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Database limit exceeded. |
400 | ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE_FORMAT | Incorrect response format (Accept not supported). |
400 | ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_RESPONSE_FORMAT | Incorrect response format (Format not supported). |
400 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_GROUPS_IN_GROUP_LIST | Too many groups in group_list. |
400 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_UIDS_IN_UID_LIST | Too many UIDs in uid_list. |
400 | ERROR_TOO_MANY_APPS_IN_APP_LIST | Too many apps in app_list. |
400 | ERROR_BATCH_TASK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Batch task processing limit exceeded. |
400 | ERROR_CLEANING_USER_GROUP_DATA | Cleaning user group data. |
400 | ERROR_IMAGE_STORAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Image storage not supported. |
400 | ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES | Insufficient resources. |
400 | ERROR_RESOURCE_IN_TRANSIT | Resource in transit. |
400 | ERROR_FILE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED | File download failed. |
400 | ERROR_FILE_UPLOAD_FAILED | File upload failed. |
400 | FILE_DECODING_FAILURE | File decoding failed. |
400 | ERROR_FACE_BLENDING_FAILED | Face blending failed. |
400 | ERROR_FACE_IMAGE_ADDITION_FAILED | Failed to add face image. |
400 | ERROR_GET_FACE_IMAGE_FAILED | Failed to get face image. |
400 | ERROR_DATA_TRANSFER_FAILED | Data transfer (download or upload) failed. |
400 | ERROR_TASK_REVOCATION_FAILED | Task revocation failed. |
400 | ERROR_RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE | Resource temporarily unavailable. |
400 | ERROR_FILE_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT | File download timeout. |
401 | ERROR_USER_NOT_EXISTS | The user does not exist. |
401 | ERROR_APPLICATIONS_NOT_EXISTS | The application does not exist. |
403 | ERROR_USER_LOCKED | The user is locked. |
403 | AI_SERVICE_UNAUTHORIZED | AI service unauthorized. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform. |
403 | ERROR_ILLEGAL_FILE | Illegal file. |
404 | ERROR_AI_NOT_EXISTS | AI does not exist or has been deactivated, please contact the platform. |
404 | AI_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND | AI service not found. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform. |
404 | ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File not found. |
404 | ERROR_FACE_NOT_FOUND | Face not found. |
404 | ERROR_USER_GROUP_NOT_FOUND | User group not found. |
404 | ERROR_USER_NOT_FOUND | User not found. |
404 | ERROR_FACE_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND | Face token not found. |
404 | ERROR_CONTENT_NOT_FOUND | Content not found. |
404 | ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND | Resource not found. |
405 | ERROR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION | Illegal operation. |
409 | ERROR_FACE_ALREADY_EXISTS | Face already exists. |
409 | ERROR_DATA_ALREADY_EXISTS | Data already exists. |
409 | ERROR_USER_GROUP_ALREADY_EXISTS | User group already exists. |
409 | ERROR_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS | User already exists. |
409 | ERROR_DUPLICATE_GROUP_NAME | Duplicate group name. |
409 | ERROR_RESOURCE_IN_USE | Resource is in use. |
409 | ERROR_TASK_CONFLICT | Task conflict. |
409 | ERROR_TASK_REVOKED | Task has already been revoked. |
410 | ERROR_RESOURCE_RECLAIMED | Resource has been reclaimed. |
413 | FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS_LIMIT | File size exceeds limit. |
413 | ERROR_CONTENT_TOO_LONG | Content length exceeds limit. |
413 | ERROR_VIDEO_DURATION_EXCEEDED | Video duration exceeds limit. |
413 | ERROR_REQUEST_BODY_TOO_LARGE | Request body size exceeds limit. |
413 | ERROR_RESPONSE_BODY_TOO_LARGE | Response body size exceeds limit. |
415 | UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES | Unsupported file types. |
415 | ERROR_INVALID_OUTPUT_FORMAT | Invalid output format. |
415 | ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE | Grayscale image not supported. |
422 | UNSUPPORTED_PARAMETER_VALUES | Invalid parameter values. |
422 | ERROR_INVALID_FACE_BOX_PARAMETER | Face box parameter does not meet requirements. |
422 | ERROR_INVALID_BIG_EYES_PARAMETER | Big eyes parameter does not meet requirements. |
422 | ERROR_INVALID_FACE_SLIMMING_PARAMETER | Face slimming parameter does not meet requirements. |
422 | ERROR_INVALID_SMOOTHING_PARAMETER | Smoothing parameter does not meet requirements. |
422 | ERROR_INVALID_SKIN_WHITENING_PARAMETER | Skin whitening parameter does not meet requirements. |
422 | ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_FORMAT | Invalid parameter format. |
422 | ERROR_PARAMETER_CONVERSION_FAILED | Parameter conversion failed. |
422 | FILE_RESOLUTION_EXCEEDS_LIMITS | File resolution exceeds limits. |
422 | ERROR_LOW_RESOLUTION | File resolution too low. |
422 | ERROR_HIGH_RESOLUTION | File resolution too high. |
422 | ERROR_INVALID_FILE | Invalid file. |
422 | FILE_CONTENT_NON_COMPLIANCE | File content does not meet requirements. |
422 | ERROR_INCORRECT_FILE_COUNT | Incorrect number of files. |
422 | ERROR_NO_FACE_IN_FILE | No face detected in the file. |
422 | ERROR_FACE_SIZE_NOT_MEET_REQUIREMENTS | Face size does not meet requirements. |
422 | ERROR_FACE_SIZE_RATIO_NOT_MET | Face size ratio does not meet requirements. |
422 | ERROR_SMALL_FACE_SIZE | Face size too small. |
422 | ERROR_FACE_COPY_SCENE_MISMATCH | Face copy scene type mismatch. |
422 | ERROR_FACE_UNRECOGNIZABLE | Unable to recognize face. |
422 | ERROR_POOR_FACE_QUALITY | Poor face quality. |
422 | ERROR_BLURRY_FACE | Blurry face. |
422 | ERROR_OBSTRUCTED_FACE | Obstructed face. |
422 | ERROR_POOR_FACE_LIGHTING | Poor face lighting. |
422 | ERROR_INCOMPLETE_FACE | Incomplete face. |
422 | ERROR_FACE_NOT_FACING_FORWARD | Face not facing forward. |
422 | ERROR_MISSING_OUTPUT_FORMAT | Missing output format. |
422 | ERROR_QUALITY_SCORE_NOT_MEET_REQUIREMENTS | Quality score does not meet requirements. |
422 | ERROR_QUALITY_CONTROL_ERROR | Quality control error. |
422 | ERROR_LIVENESS_CONTROL_ERROR | Liveness control error. |
422 | ERROR_SCENE_TYPE_MISMATCH | Scene type mismatch. |
422 | ERROR_CARTOON_FACE_NOT_SUPPORTED | Cartoon face not supported. |
422 | ERROR_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_QUALITY_TOO_LOW | Template image quality too low. |
422 | ERROR_ACTION_VERIFICATION_FAILED | Action verification failed. |
422 | ERROR_LEFT_EYE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGH | Left eye occlusion too high. |
422 | ERROR_RIGHT_EYE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGH | Right eye occlusion too high. |
422 | ERROR_LEFT_FACE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGH | Left face occlusion too high. |
422 | ERROR_RIGHT_FACE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGH | Right face occlusion too high. |
422 | ERROR_CHIN_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGH | Chin occlusion too high. |
422 | ERROR_NOSE_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGH | Nose occlusion too high. |
422 | ERROR_MOUTH_OCCLUSION_TOO_HIGH | Mouth occlusion too high. |
422 | ERROR_SYNTHESIS_DETECTION_FAILED | Synthesis detection failed. |
422 | ERROR_LIVENESS_DETECTION_FAILED | Liveness detection failed. |
422 | ERROR_NO_RECOGNITION_TARGET_DETECTED | No recognition target detected in the image. |
422 | ERROR_IMAGE_RECOGNITION_FAILED | Image recognition error. |
422 | ERROR_MASK_IMAGE_RESOLUTION_MISMATCH | Resolution of mask and image must be the same. |
422 | ERROR_TASK_STOPPED_PROCESSING | Task has been stopped processing. |
422 | EXCEEDING_LIMITS | Exceeds limit. |
429 | ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITS | Insufficient credits. |
500 | UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unknown error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform. |
500 | SERVICE_INTERNAL_ERROR | Service internal error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform. |
500 | FILE_SERVICE_ERROR | File service error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform. |
500 | AI_SERVICE_ERROR | AI service error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform. |
500 | AI_SERVICE_INTERNAL_ERROR | AI service internal error. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform. |
502 | ERROR_GATEWAY | Gateway error, please try again later. If it is not resolved in time, please contact the platform. |
503 | AI_SERVICE_FLOW_RESTRICTION | AI service is rate-limited. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform. |
504 | AI_SERVICE_TIMEOUT | AI service timeout. Please try again later. If not resolved promptly, contact the platform. |