
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, please contact us.

14 Days Money Back Guarantee

The 14 Days Money Back Guarantee applies if ...

  1. you have purchased a subscription for the first time,
  2. the subscription was purchased within the last 14 days,
  3. You are not satisfied with the quality of the results and you are not using any AI solution,
  4. your account, you personally and your company have not made use of the 14 Days Money Back Guarantee before.

If you have a refund request, you can only contact us through customer support. We will reply to you within 7 working days.

Other Refunds

Purchases outside of the 14 Days Money Back Guarantee are generally non-refundable. If you are unhappy with your subscription you can cancel it any time. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.